sounds goes

12 Sep 2005
Norwich, England

Went round to fix a pc today which couldn't play any sound, so i went to device manager and it said the ac97 audio is not working properly.... so i pressed update driver and it said, "windows will load windows update to find the driver" so it did and it downloaded and installed it and the sound came back and was working fine. how ever i recieved a phone call saying the sound had gone again after it was turned on again.

Does any1 have any idea's whats making it stop working.

its a sis ac97 audio chipset and i've got a feeling its windows 95, but i cant remember 100% as i wasnt there for long cuz it appeared fixed.

Look forward to hearing from you.
I had the exact same problem with AC97 and never did find a cure. My solution? A Soundblaster Live for 20 quid. Solved.
did yours work when driver was installed and then next turn on it would be broken again.

i was thinking about suggesting 2 them a cheap pci sound card.
Hank_Marvin said:
did yours work when driver was installed and then next turn on it would be broken again.

Sometimes. More often than not it would be fine for a while then suddenly shut off mid-game and require a re-install of drivers.

Definitely suggest a cheap PCI card - almost anything is better than AC97 :)
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