
Thanks. A mate has an Nforce 2 board and wants to go gaming, he was unsure if the onboard sound was upto it. Either the Soundstorm or an Audigy value, I thought the Soundstorm might be as good as the Audigy value, plus it'd save him £25. He can put Digital through his speakers if that is better, he has an Nforce 2 board ABIT AN7 NVIDIA nFORCE 2 ULTRA 400 Chipset.
Soundstorm was good because:

1. DICE - Real Time Dolby Digital - speaks for itself
2. Hardware audio processing - most onboard sound will offload things like EAX, EAX2 etc to the CPU causing slow downs in game, the Soundstorm can do this in hardware so uses very few CPU cycles.

The Audigy would probably be better for gaming, but the Soundstorm is not a bad onboard solution.
depends on your speaker set up, if you have speakers with a digital decoder / a proper surround set up with AV recievier, then soundstorm is about as good as it gets :)

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