Sources/setup for 11 channel audio

22 Feb 2014
I am currently planning my living room layout, for running cables etc before decorating.
I was planning on having 2 rear surrounds ion the corners of the room behind me, then 2 additional speakers in ceiling above the main listening position to give me 7.1 Audio
However I have just bought a new AV receiver which has 11.2 channels.
Looking at a diagram of the back it has 7.1 + 4 height channels
If UHD Blu-Ray has 7.1 channels of sound, how do you make use of the additional 4 channels ?

I am assuming there are alternate sources which have additional sound channels ?
My main source is netflix, so even 7.1 is overkill but I am curious.
Been doing a bit more reading and it seems 5.1.2 is preferable to 7.1.

Looks like that's the way I'm heading. Need to be sure though before I start running speaker cables.
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