Sourcing Alba Smartphone 4" Android Model AC40AS3G

23 Jun 2021
England, South West.
I bought an Argos Alba phone. It needs a new battery can't find anything on Ebay. I rang Argos customer service and they gave me the name of a French company, they say are the manufacturer of the battery, company is called Archos. On the battery, says model BS981. If I oder from France I have the feeling it could be pricey. It must be possible to get the same generic type battery from somwhere.
Can anyone help?
I can't easily find pictures of the existing battery for this model, does the old battery have a part number of AC 1500A? If so, they can be found on eBay for about £13.
I can't easily find pictures of the existing battery for this model, does the old battery have a part number of AC 1500A? If so, they can be found on eBay for about £13.
Hi, thanks for replying. The battery doesn't have AC1500A as a part number. It says AC40AS3G I've done quite an extensive search including Alibaba. Perhaps the replacement battery has had a new part number. I attach photo of battery. Oh I don't see option to upload a photo?
Thanks again.
You should be able to upload to somewhere like Imgur and pop a link into the forum.

Would hopefully be easier to locate a replacement battery once we can see the labels on it (if it has any!), there aren't many pictures of the phone itself other than an unboxing video where they had the AC 1500A battery in the box.
You should be able to upload to somewhere like Imgur and pop a link into the forum.

Would hopefully be easier to locate a replacement battery once we can see the labels on it (if it has any!), there aren't many pictures of the phone itself other than an unboxing video where they had the AC 1500A battery in the box.
Hi again, after a bit of fathing about was able to register on Imgur. I used to be with PhotoBucket, not used it for anything for a long while, now they want to charge me. So Imgur is handy to be on, thanks for that. Uploading photo of battery. I did enlarge and save on Paint and everything was clearly visible, not quite sure if still clear, you may have know how to make clearer if can't make out.
Here is link " many pictures of the phone itself other than an unboxing video where they had the AC 1500A battery in the box. " Getting warmer perhaps :)
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