South Park: The Fractured But Whole

Op should have posted this for trailer at least.

Looking forward to a new sp game but based on superheros like the **** has me worried and stuff as they were terrible episodes but for a game it might be OK I dunno. Rather they didn't use a theme for a game and kept it a bit random. Or a game of thrones version if they had to do a theme.

Diff devs tho has me worried cos the stick of truth was impressively solid with very little not to like or many bugs.
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Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet I loved the first had me laughing from start to finish! The ground work has been done so I don't see why it should be a problem with a developer for the next instalment.

Considering how Trey and Matt work and value their craft it will be just as good or better than Stick of Truth.
Absolutely loved the first game, most hilarious game ever made and a great classic RPG! While I'm not the biggest fan of the Superhero episodes, I'm sure it'll be just as hilarious. Can't wait!
I loved the first... 14 hour South Park episode :D

Completed the game in two days lol... only one of two games I've ever done that kind of marathon with... the first was the original Bioshock.

Looking forward to this :D

I found the combat got a bit stale and repetitive in the first... but they even mention it in their own trailer, so it'll be nice to see an improvement there. I didn't really care though as I was playing for the story and giggles... which it was full of :D
Nice :D The first one actually got me into South Park. There's a lot they can expand upon so I'm looking forward to this. Wonder why they dropped Obsidian though? Probably just wanted to do it internally this time round. As much as I like Obsidian, I doubt they had much influence on the over all feel of the game anyway. All the new devs need to do is improve the pretty standard combat (but well fitting) from the first.
I am a self confessed South Park geek n nerd.

I own every episode, film's (team America counts as well) documentaries even uncensored episode 201...

Stick of truth was amazing. One of only a few games I have ever played that I sat down and completed it. Then played it again.

Very pleased by this news.... Very
Definitely pleased with this announcement.

E3 this year (aside from Mass Effect 4 and Fallout 4) has been very uninspired so far. Too many remakes and online multiplayer games for my liking.

This on the other hand I will be happy to pre-order. The first game was hilarious so high hopes for this one as well. I do love a game that doesn't take itself too seriously.
The last South Park game I wasn't sure to pre-order it or not. However after getting it in the sale I did really enjoy it and it was funny as hell! So this time I will pre-order it.
I am a self confessed South Park geek n nerd.

I own every episode, film's (team America counts as well) documentaries even uncensored episode 201...

Stick of truth was amazing. One of only a few games I have ever played that I sat down and completed it. Then played it again.

Very pleased by this news.... Very

Do you have every episode on .bat playlist with a macro specfcially for South Park to launch at a touch of button? Do you own the re-rendered 1080p seasons from season 2 onwards?

And the first two episodes (Jesus vs Frosty & Jesus vs Santa) and the South Park tribute to Monty Python with members of MP?

No I didn't think so and you call yourself a South Park nerd... You know nothing Strudders!


I've got the jel school on the phone for you now would you like to have a chat about your jelllyness?
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