South West France - C+C Welcome

13 Jan 2004
South East
Hi all. Just got back from a week in south west France. I was staying with my parents just outside a small village called Lapenche, which is about 1 hour from Toulouse.

Despite finding out that my D400 appears to under expose a lot with the kit lens, I had a good time.

Anyway, to the pics:

1// Some Corn


2// A cricket


3// Corn field


4// Old French House


5// One of my parent's cats, Serge.

Last edited:
6// Shop Sign on a closed down shop


7// Blue Shutters


ps. These are quick 5 minute each edits so I didn't expect them to be great. I never really know what to do other than adjust contrast, crop and add the border :(

As usual C+C is welcome :)
messiah khan said:
4 is my favourite by far. Any chance of a slightly bigger version so I can see it a bit better. I think its got potential to make a great B&W conversion as well.

Funny you should say that, I did try a B+W one and liked the result but I decided to leave it in colour because I did like the washed out look of it.

Here is the original (resized a bit due to filesize but still much bigger) -

Here is my mono attempt:

No it is fine, help yourself. Helps me learn :)

I like what you have done with that, almost looks like a painting :)
Out of interest what did you do to get that effect?
TheAlex said:
I definitely prefer that to the original colour version, but messiah khan's 'play' looks great.

I think 2 is almost top-notch - it just needs it's head a bit sharper, 3 is nice but there's nothing to draw my eyes into the picture, 5 is great - it makes me want to know what the cat is looking at. I don't think 7 works...perhaps because the partly visible shutters at the top are distracting, perhaps a bit more of the pavement would have been better?

Yeah I really not too keen on no. 7 now I have looked at it again this morning. The original had more pavement so maybe if I spend more time cropping I can get something a little better.

Looking at them all again today, I definately prefer the B&W version of that picture although I am interested to know how Khan got his edit how he did.

Thanks for all the comments.
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