South Yorkshire Police Thought Crimes

8 Jan 2009


So saw this today.

This isn't the first time a Police Force has posted this message of the same sort.

Little by little, this is just Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell and movies like Equilibrium, it's all baby steps. It get to the point where the balance has swung to the far left while thinking it's normal.

It's not a violent change, it takes many years, but our future kids will wake up and believe the world they live and the rules they must OBEY is normal to them and the true liberal values are just history notes, that's if they didn't burn the books first like in Fahrenheit 451.
Excellent initiative. With one single tweet they've identified over 6000 instances of insulting comments, the ROI on this is impressive. Granted all of those insults are directed at South Yorkshire Police but that's hardly relevant.

Well...They had to put the image in the tweets together and that didn't exactly do itself, did it?

Someone has had to come up with the campaign.

It will have gone through approval.

Someone has put together the tweets and posted them.

All time and resource that should have been spent on crimes. It doesn't matter how long it took, it took too long.

Already 9200 messages and least 99% of them would be classed as "non-crime hate incidents".

How much time does it take for an officer to exam 9200~ comments, research and make a judgement and then file the paperwork to push it forward to make it official and file for criminal proceedings.

It's a huge snowball, it just gets bigger and bigger, taking up more resources and money, it will go on forever if it's allowed.

That said, this isn't my issue, it's the retarded public correctness and making it criminal that is corrupting our society.

By their own definition, there is least a dozen or so posts in this topic alone that could be reported to the Police and most of them by the left who are defending this post by the South Yorkshire Police.
I dunno like. I think it's because the blokes over there can't get it up unless it's a preteen with an octopus crawling out of her clown hole.

Likely one of the most racist things I ever read on this forum, I feel inclined to report you to the South Yorkshire Police. :rolleyes::p

Europe can send them some Africans. They'll increase the birth rate, whether the women want to or not.

I laughed then felt bad about it, because you know how it will go if they follow our path.
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