Southampton union president threatens to paint over war memorial (warning Daily Fail/SJW thread)

29 Jan 2008
@Diddums how about this one, I reckon this is the frothiest one in recent days, reported in various publications but I selected the Daily Fail's story especially. :)
The [censored word] who promised to paint over a war memorial because it 'shows only white men' has been 'put on leave' from her £20,000-a-year students' union post.

University of Southampton Students' Union president Emily Dawes provoked outrage when she branded the World War One Rotherstein Mural a 'mural of white men'.

After a vice president of the union tweeted Dawes is 'on leave until further notice' controversial claims emerged that the then president had sent an unsolicited nude picture of herself to more than 200 students.

Students allegedly complained after Dawes sent a naked photo to a group chat which was used for discussing coursework and making uni-related jokes.

Not only did this oxygen thief threaten to vandalise a war memorial depicting a WW1 soldier earning his degree but she apparently sent a pic of her lady parts to a group chat containing 200 students... I suspect if it were a male student sending a pic of his junk, part covered with an emoji or not, he'd be facing disciplinary action for that alone.


Ms Dawes, whose family live in Virginia in the US, previously attended the £5,000-a-term Northwood College for Girls in north London, according to her LinkedIn page.

Odds on her having unironically ranted about "privilege" etc.. in the past?
I never went to uni, so please enlighten me.... How the **** can you be earning £20k just for being a student??!!

it is a salaried sabbatical position - they hold the position full time while taking a year off from their studies or they do it for a year immediately after graduating

I think the way it'll be spun is that ok, she was ousted. But how did she get into that position in the first place? Why did she think that was ok? And how many SUs are run by people like her who have a bit more tact?

plenty of Suspense are dominated by people like her mostly because the majority of students don't care at all about student politics - so long as the SU spends plenty of money on the sports teams and has bars/night clubs putting on events then no one cares.

it used to be the case that the union president might be say some popular member of the rugby/football team, possibly former president of his/her halls of residence etc.. so well know by a big chunk of students across two years... these days you're just as likely to find it is the guy the Islamic society all decided to get behind etc.. :D

Ironically plenty of SUs will still have a women's officer despite women outnumbering men at uni these days, they'll also tend to have a black/minority ethnic officer when in plenty of cases all the sabbatical positions are filled by non-white people anyway
I read the OP and the Dm link. Silly person. Moreover, I was really interested in the article about Milly Bobby brown on that page. Jesus, the comments section on her.. wow.

Why did you do that if you otherwise don't like the daily mail or indeed stories like this, did you ignore the thread title?

This thread only exists as a little joke in reply to a comment made by @Diddums in another thread.
Yes I did read the title. I don't think I gave an impression I didn't like the DM or stories like that. Like most people on here I read the article and came to the conclusion that she is a silly person. However I like millie Bobby brown and wanted to see what her article was about. So I read that too. The comments section on her was eye opening. Hence the "wow" unless there's something about her I don't know?

Ah fair enough... just had a search for that article... hmm sure enough the DM comments section doesn't disappoint! :eek: :D
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