
18 Sep 2005
A few from Southerndown today, my first College trip :oD
It was peeing it down all day... Fun!
Not too sure about what I came back with, but really did enjoy the day. I don't care if you rip them to peices - if you think it's pants, say it's pants :D

May have some more to show later, but for now :





great shots mate heres my comments on them:

1. Not sure about this one, i dont know whether its the saturation of it, or that the clouds seem to almost overpower the shot for me.

2. This one is better but im again not too keen on the black and white.

3. Lovely shot mate, very pleasing to the eye, and the surfer makes it that bit more interesting

4. If that plant wasnt a bit dead it would be much better :p , i love these plants.

5. Great shot here, i like the angle and how it leads you into the middle of the picture. The saturated look works well too.

6. Another really good one, love the colours in this shot.

7. Last but not least is another good shot, i like how the shadows bring the stones out of the picture.

Well theres my little analysis, i dont mean to sound like im an expert or anything because i certainly am not, this is all just my personal opinion :)
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i really do like your processing style, you've definately got your own photo style which is very distinctive in my eyes.

my favourites composition wise would be 6 and especially 7. works well for me.

the slanted archway shot is the only one i'm not sure of. I get the sense of the 'secret garden' kind of feel going on but i don't think the angle adds much to the shot.

the colours in 1 and 2 however, great, really like that. personally i probably would have gone for a touch more contrast. i really like the set though
olv said:
the slanted archway shot is the only one i'm not sure of. I get the sense of the 'secret garden' kind of feel going on but i don't think the angle adds much to the shot.

Funny you should say that - it was in a "secret garden" :D
Apart from anything else that shot has some nasty camera shake. The shutter speed would normally have been OK - but I was shaking like a leaf all day for some reason. Should have bumped up the ISO :/
But aye, I'm not sure about that shot either (shake aside) - I took a few shots in the garden, but none of them really captured the mood or atmosphere of it.
Not a single one of those I dont like. Theres nothing wrong with any of them in my mind so all I am going to say is great captures and really nice creative touches with the angles.

Its funny, I took a picture of that plant in number 4 a few weeks ago. I will be uploading it soon.

Keep it up mate :)
just me going against the grain then...

1. lacks contrast and seems a bit meh,

2. sky's blown out with no interest

3. is the best of the first 3, you wernt really helped by an overcast day. the addition of the surfer is good and brings interest.

4. does nothing for me personally

5. its a nice shot but not a fan of the angle...

6. second favourite of the lot... nice colour and texture... a classic autumn feel and could be that "October" page on a calender.

7. strangely for the best of the bunch, very simple but very pleasing on the eye, nice contrasts

there are a couple of really nice shots for me but a couple i wouldnt have even processed...
Ta all.

starscream ~ Uhh, nothing special - just some curves with layer masks mostly.

Broadbandplacey ~ ta for the comments, kooky angles & drab scenes aren't for everyone :D

The flower shot was just a bit of fun - I'm no macro shooter!
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