Spanish Speakers able to translate something for me?

5 Sep 2005
Northern Ireland
Alright, I don't speak a word of Spanish, and I need to speak to someone currently staying in a hotel in the Dominican Republic. Unfortunately, when I tried to ring, I discovered to my dismay that no matter how loud i shouted down the phone, they refused to understand english. :p (j/k btw)

Would someone be able to type this as I would say it in Spanish please?


Could I speak to room fifteen, B block please?

Simple as that. I tried Babelfish, but I don't trust it because it tend to make a dogs dinner of anything you run through it. :rolleyes:

Ta very muchly!
I'm going to hijack this thread, and ask a similar question, but the other way round...

Todos los Dolores ya se van
Y el grafitti dice Peter Pan
Y el zoologico de arcoiris
Arcoirá, arcoirá

En La mañana pienso en mi primo
Y todo lo español que desafino
Que dice quando el sol sonrie
Sonrreirá, sonrreirá

Con tu cara de camello
Toma un bebé tan bello
Cada casa casa tiene llave
O no se abre, o no se abre

Can someone translate that for me please? :p
Le_Petit_Lapin said:

Could I speak to room fifteen, B block please?

I don't speak spanish, but I got a friend whose fluent :p He just happens to be online right now :)

This is what he said -

Podía hablar con el cuarto quince, bloco B por favor
Puedo hablar con habitacion quince, bloco B por favor.
Can i speak to room 15, block B please.

Cuarto isnt right there, as its not a bathroom (cuarto de bano) its a room which is habitacion.


Carzy said:
I'm going to hijack this thread, and ask a similar question, but the other way round...

Todos los Dolores ya se van
Y el grafitti dice Peter Pan
Y el zoologico de arcoiris
Arcoirá, arcoirá

En La mañana pienso en mi primo
Y todo lo español que desafino
Que dice quando el sol sonrie
Sonrreirá, sonrreirá

Con tu cara de camello
Toma un bebé tan bello
Cada casa casa tiene llave
O no se abre, o no se abre

Can someone translate that for me please? :p

All the dolores already goes away
And the grafitti says to Peter Pan
And the Zoo of Arcoiris
Arcoirá, arcoirá

In the morning i think about my cousin
And all the desafino Spanish who
Say when the sun rises
Sun rises, Sun Rises

With your face of camel
Take a beautiful baby
Each Home Home Home has a key
Or is it not opened, or is it not opened?

My foolish attempt and guess work!
From Barcelona with love. :D

All the pains are already going away
and the grafiti says Peter Pan
and the rainbow zoo
arcoira (it's a non existing word which wants to mean it will go away, go away)

in the morning I think of my cousin
and all the spanish stuff which doesnt match with me
which says that when the sun smiles,
it will smile, it will smile

with your camel looking face
take a baby so pretty
every house house has a key
or it won't open, it won't open

By the way to the original thread starter....

Hello, Can i speak to room 15, block B please?

Hola! Puedo hablar con la habitacion quince, apartamiento B, por favor?
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Could use either, just im used to saying habitacion rather than cuarto :)

All the same tho :) and how did ya forget your mum spoke spanish? :p :D
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