inb4 'speaker cable doesn't matter it all sounds the same blah blah blah'
Having an outbuilding done and want to install cabling in the wall for neatness (will be going with a fairly high end system). I have been looking at the QED Ruby Anniversary cable which seems to get good reviews.
Now my question is terminating it, from the specs it looks as if it contains 5 individually insulated wires. Is it possible to terminate this into the back of a binding post faceplate? Ie strip down the individual wires and then onto binding post or does it have to be terminated professionally into banana plugs?
inb4 'speaker cable doesn't matter it all sounds the same blah blah blah'
Having an outbuilding done and want to install cabling in the wall for neatness (will be going with a fairly high end system). I have been looking at the QED Ruby Anniversary cable which seems to get good reviews.
Now my question is terminating it, from the specs it looks as if it contains 5 individually insulated wires. Is it possible to terminate this into the back of a binding post faceplate? Ie strip down the individual wires and then onto binding post or does it have to be terminated professionally into banana plugs?