Speaker help please

5 Jul 2007
Hi there, recently installed some new speakers into my parcel shelf. However due to having my previous car broken into twice and all my ICE stuff stolen before i'm a bit more consious about security., especially as its parked on the street now.

So i bought some acousticly transparent material to cover the parcel shelf in so it just looks like a regular shelf. However not sure how to attach it to the parcel shelf.

Should i be using some sort of spray adhesive or something, cvan anybody recomend anything?

Any help appreciated, Tom.
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Ah well, i just nipped down to local hardwate store and got some spray on general purpose adhesive. I couldn't really be bothered with adding MDF to it all. Just cut the cloth to size in the end and sprayed and stuck it down. Isnt the greatest of jobs but you certainly wouldnt notice them now if you were just walking past. some pics.




Pretty happy with the result, total cost, just shy of 8 quid.
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yeh, i thought it best to just cover it up as mentioning competitors isn't allowed, and said shop is a direct competitor. why do you think its censored when you type it?
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