speaker location

30 Dec 2003
I'm doing a refurb in my flat and need to tips on regarding speaker location. I'm not going for 5.1 or anything overflowing with speakers, just better sound than my TV (sony 40" w905a) has at the moment and something that will work for music when i'm not watching TV. I was at first thinking of two decent floor standers but not sure i have the room to keep them away from the walls/corners.

The plan below (missing the width dimension of around 5m) shows what i'm likely to have in terms of layout but i can't figure out where to put the speakers. If there are good enough sound bars out there it makes life a lot easier but when I looked/listened a few months ago none of the sound bars impressed me (admittedly I didn't check out the Sonos range at the time).


Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks for your response lucid, it's actually a wiring diagram (the only diagram I've got so far). The symbols are:
Large circles = pendant lights
Small circles = table lamps
Pink icons = light switches
Purple icons = power sockets
Blue icons = rj45
The lines between symbols denote which lights are controlled from where.

Regarding your other questions, I was thinking of ideally not more than two speakers (kef q/r series maybe) hooked up to an AV receiver yet to be determined (the marantz range seemed to cover all bases). I wasn't planning on a sub from the start but provision for cabling it should one be necessary later.

Budget-wise the less the better but my main concern at the moment is to determine positions so if wiring needs to be run it can be done at this stage of the project. If I don't have money for the kit at the moment I can buy later, don't want to be casing cables in walls at a later date.

thanks again for your input lucid. i had initially thought of putting it on the open wall you suggest but i like having the open space to walk through. having a couple of speakers there will create too many obstacles to reach the main seating area.

i'm not a fan of corner sofas (the corner seat is never really usable) but could look at other options to open up enough space to make the floor standers viable.

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