speaker switch box

25 May 2011
Could I use this for my front speaker inputs on the back of my av receiver, so I could power 2 sets of speakers? Am not bothered about them both being on at the same time.

I would like to use my receiver to power my 5.1 setup as well as 2 channel stereo via using a switch.

been looking at this

I have an older version of the above QED switch box in the loft and used it to connect an AV amp and stereo amp to one set of speakers.
This looks interesting...I'm already using my B set speaker outputs for my kitchen but it would be good to also have speakers in the bedroom....does this amplify the signal as well or would you get a loss of power using 2 sets? I guess another way of saying this would it just pull more power from amp and risk damaging it....Always worried with the Ohm stuff with things like this....
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will work if you wire speakers in parallel but you will need a box exaclly like that were you can do the parallel wiring.

edit i think that is the box for parallel wiring
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