Speakers Recommendations needed!

13 Nov 2005
My old z-680's just died on me finally, so i'm in need of something to replace them, wondering whether to get another pair of 5.1 speakers or go for some better quality 2.1 speakers. thoughts and recommendations please!
Gigaworks G500 ?

I'll be upgrading mine soon... was tempted to go for the S750 7.1 kit, but decided against it!
I'm wondering whether to just go for some quality 2.1 speakers, how would the Acoustic Energy Aego M or even AudioEngine A2 compare quality wise to 5.1/7.1 speakers costing around £150-200?
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I wouldnt go with the g500, they would be a downgrade from your z680s. As for 5.1/2.1, it depends what you use your computer for, obviously if you game and watch movies a lot then the 5.1 would be better. If you mainly listen to music then get some good hifi separates. I dont really know about the 2.1 systems you named, but I have heard the aego m is pretty good quality. If you go 5.1/7.1 get the Z5500s or the S750s.
I had the S750 7.1 set, very nice indeed but the Audioengine 5's I got last week blow them away on all fronts.
I would think the A2's may be a little lacking if your a bass hound though.
I like the usability of the Ae stuff as well, spent about 4 hours in the garden yesterday afternoon, so unplug, move out side, plug in mp3 player and instant party :)
Avoid the creatives, and if you want a simple replacment then the z5500 will do a great job of 5.1 for their price of £200.
I've decided to give the AudioEngine A2 (black) a go, they seem to be getting good reviews and I like the look of them, considered a few 5.1 systems but I think I can live without 5.1 sound in games and I never use my monitor to watch films/series on anyway.

Also find setting up all the satellites a pain in the arse and I'd like to avoid that. :)
Do you guys think the z680s have actually died or could the fuse in the sub just have gone? Just wondering as it would be a shame to throw them away if it's just something minor.

Guess i'll just have to hunt for a 2a fuse and find out.
Avoid the creatives, and if you want a simple replacment then the z5500 will do a great job of 5.1 for their price of £200.

In terms of sound quality the S750's are better than the Z-5500 imo, but the S750 just looks dated...
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