Speakers/Sound Not Working

11 Aug 2007
Hey there

Well yesterday I installed my new PSU, my new Radeon HD3850 and an extra gig of ram (bringing it to 2GB). The problem is, my speakers don't seem to be working properly with my system. I have plugged them into the correct place and they require no drivers (so come with no driver disc, they are USB powered). They just seem to be making a noise like when you have a microphone boost switched on and you are using speaker and it has that muffled type sound but my sound on the computer is not on mute and I have tried playing the windows sounds/music and games and still nothing is working. My sound drivers now appear to be something to do with the 3850 but I dno how to get it working propely as the sound was fine before the upgrade. Does anyone have any ideas?

Thanks for your help and time.
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