Speaking of mags in the other post?

16 Jan 2006
North Wales
What is the best computer mag to buy that tells u about hardware and software the newest hardware and software?
Mason64 said:
week or so i think!
Nothing is really going to change in that time. ;)

As for the p0rn remark. Hospital = nurses. :D

(Sorry any nurses who read this, I'm nice really!)
was thinking of taking in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 book in and read up on it but i am not sure that will kill me off ? hehe
Dude...How old are you?

You're going to be in hospital for a week and you're contemplating taking a computing manual...

Get a good book, expand your horizons, make it Aldous Huxley and expand your mind...Just keep complaining about the pain and ask for Morphine...Failing that, gas and air is fun in the short term.

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