Spec a phone > Motorola G6 ?

23 Nov 2004

The Mrs Motorola G6 has had water damange and no longer works. I've got her working on my old OnePlus5, but she finds it too big.

Can anyone reccommend a new(ish) model of phone that has similar dimensions to the Motorola G6 please? Struggling to find a way to search for a phone by its bloomin dimensions!

Needs to be Android + half decent camera.

Almost no phones are that size now.

I managed to get a good deal on a Samsung s21 earlier this month (£23/month, £75 up front), but I was waiting ages for a good deal on a small phone, and the deal I got is no longer available.

S22 is same sort of size, but expensive. Sony 10 is also small, but expensive for a pretty low end handset.

Use GSMarena to compare sizes.


Thanks for replying. Yep, I thought that but understand her dislike for it. I didn't like going from the OnePlus 5 to the Pixel 6 but I soon got used to it. She has been on the OnePlus 5 for a couple of months and still complains it's too big.
However, looking at Compare Motorola Moto G6 vs. OnePlus 5 - GSMArena.com which compaes their dimensions, I can't actually see much difference!

It will be a Phone only purchase as she uses minimal data/calls on GiffGaff that suits her usage.
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