spec a phone that will last T in the Park

26 Mar 2007
as title looking for phone that will last 4 days without been charged. the only other important things are a decent camera and bluetooth. it also need to work on 3. thanks.
Whatever phone you have + emergency chargers?

Or Nokia 1112 from Tesco for £30 with £30 credit + emergency chargers.

Motorola F3 SIM FREE £27.56 delivered (Google checkout) + energency chargers...

Motorola MOTOSLVR L6 ona 12 month contract @ £2.99 a month, £15 cachback when you order online, 100 mins and 50 txts a month + emergency chargers :p

You can see where I'm going here :p
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my k800i can last around a week on a full charge, but its probably slightly out of your budget
denon said:
as title looking for phone that will last 4 days without been charged. the only other important things are a decent camera and bluetooth. it also need to work on 3. thanks.

Can't be done.
My w800i lasts around 5 days on one charge with moderate usage.

Do normal phones work on 3 though? If not, then I think you'd be out of luck!

Either way you'd be better off buying a cheap digital camera for pics. Even a crappy one will give better pics than any phone and if you get one that takes normal batteries with a reasonable sized memory card you will be laughing :)
You have a few options

1 - Turn it off when you go to bed.
2 - Charge it in one of the phone charging tents - Orange provides the facility in Glasto.
3 - Spare battery
4 - One of those gadgets that you can use to charge with some AA's
5 - Head back to your car.
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