Spec chec me :)

7 Sep 2009
Any advice? I won't be making a purchase until windows 7 is released, but wanted to know how this looks. The 750W PSU is because I'll be putting in the 3.4ghz Phenom II Quad when I can afford it and then another 5850 in Xfire. Budget was £650, but of course it's now £700 due to the 5850 haha - couldn't resist however much I tried. Removing shipping it's £699

For the price differnce and as on offer this week i would go with x3 tri core even if you dont need now :D

Well by time I order it will no longer be on offer, and I'll be upgrading to quad next year anyway. Plus long term I'd be happier knowing I had a PSU that gave me more headroom in power consumption than getting an extra core for a year before getting a fourth and being stuck with a smaller PSU.
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