Spec Check

18 May 2009
As some of you will have seen i was looking at computers in general hard ware, however since im now planning on going to Uni earlier i thought i would go for a smaller system.

I was just wondering what you guys thought of this system.

I just chucked it together based off of specs that some people have put up here, and off of the quantum cobalt.

Im looking for a SFF gaming PC which is reasonably quiet. Im not looking for dead silent as im guessing that would be near impossible.

Anyways heres the spec

Is it possible to put a bigger version up? Sorry I'm trying to read it, but my eyes are bleeding :(

For what I can see my questions are you planning to overclock it- if not I don't think you'll need the shuriken? and do you have any need for a 600W power supply - do you plan to add much more in the future?
chekc that cooler will work on that board and allow you to place the memory

something about the cpu slot position iirc, may be fine, but definitely check, and when you find out let me know ;)
and let me know regarding how noisy/quiet is it :P

rest looks similar to that which i am considering, but i think the psu is complete overkill
consider a chepaer smaller modular one?
Future plans are a possible second 1tb drive
and with regards to overlclocking im not sure, im kinda worried about heat so prolly not,
Im kinda looking for a mitx system that will run games well, but be silent at the same time,
Do you guys recoment a 500w powersupply @?
500W will still be more than enough. Stock cooling on CPU will be fine in that case with those components. You can always buy aftermarket cooling after if you change your mind.
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