Spec for a friend please...(sorry!)

20 Nov 2004
Hi all, its been a while since i have done this so i thought its best to ask fro help. My mate wants a gaming base unit for £700.

What he has told me...
He wants Intel
He wants 2 gig of ram
He wants dvd writer and rom
Psu that wont blow up
Good Gcard (maybe the pcie x850xtpe?)
Wants PCIe
120 Gig minimum hard disk

I have to build this from scratch so i want to buy solid, relibiable parts. He's not interested in overclocking at all. I just want to be able to put it together and for it to work, no messing.

Can you help?
I have told him that i think amd would be better for gaming so he said spec him him on both. So if somone would be kind enough to do a couple of amd specs to...ic an show him both.
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