Spec for me dad

25 Mar 2004
hey guys, been looking at building a machine for my dad to replace his ageing lappy with celeron processor and no RAM.

so far drawn up this as a basic spec, but i'd like to reduce the cost a bit without sacrificing performance for what he wants to use it for. His needs for the machine are minimal really, just needs to be quick and responsive for office applications, the net, and some very basic photo/video manip software.

AMD (Venice) Athlon 64Bit 3200+ Socket 939pin
ASUS A8N-E Ultra
Geil Value 1GB (2x512)
Antec SLK case (NO PSU)
Acer AL1716S 17" 12ms 500:1 (1280x1024)
480W Hiper Type-R PSU
Logitech MX 510 mouse w/Steelpad S&S
Saitek Eclipse keyboard
Logitech budget speakers
PNY Verto GeForce FX 5500 128MB DDR PCI TV-Out Retail

total : £654.23

All above prices are inc VAT :)

erm basically i'd like to get the cost to roughly £600 is possible. I'm not sure how this would be achieved but I guess that's why i'm posting here. I also need to get it into my dads head that buying a machine from some competitor (such as the indian food or the purple shirt people) would just disappoint him after a while and would need replacing again.

I guess the price could be reduced by perhaps looking at a mobo which provides onboard graphics as the system won't be playing games at all besides maybe sollitaire or something like that.

thanks for your time all,

perhaps, but my dad has this thing where every machine he gets just becomes really underpowered after a while and he wants to change it and can't live with it. My idea is to get him something which is perhaps more powerful than what he needs right now but will probably last him for a good 3 or 4 years as opposed to the current 1 or 2 year rotation system he's using.


also i'd prefer to stick to AMD I think, whats the semprons like?
OK new spec :)

Asus A8N-VM S939 NVC51G/MCP51G Matx - Vga Sound Lan USB2 Fsb1000 Sata
AMD (Venice) Athlon 64 3200+ (ADA3200DAA4BW) OEM Skt 939
Geil Value 1GB (2x512)
Western Digital WD800JD Caviar SE 80GB 7200RPM SATA/150 8MB Cache - OEM
Antec Sonata II Piano Black Quiet Midi Tower - With 450W SmartPower2.0 PSU
Acer AL1716S 17" 12ms 500:1 (1280x1024)
Logitech MX 510 mouse w/Steelpad S&S
Saitek Eclipse keyboard
Logitech budget speakers

All prices inc VAT
total : £573.26

seems like quite a good spec for the cash. The semprons looked pretty good but required a socket 754 mobo which i'd like to avoid doing as it would just need replacing next upgrade, whereas for this board the CPU could probably just be upgraded easily enough.

I know people might think of the keyboard and mouse as gaming equipment, but in my opinion they're excellent value for money for desktop browsing too, and i'm most happy with them, as are all the people i've spoken to.

replace mobo with the non CSM version of the A8N-VM, i'm not sure i'd need to get the CSM version as it seems most of the extra features aren't required. Opted for the OEM version of the 3200 venice on the proviso that my old 3800 x2 cooler will fit the processor, because I still have it sitting in the box. Otherwise the retail cpu is about £5 more expensive so not much in it.

more thoughts? :)
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