Hello people,
I wondered if anyone who owns a sub £1000 4K TV or knows of a decent one could advise me.
I am considering purchasing this one:
http://www.johnlewis.com/samsung-ue...iew-hd-freesat-hd-and-built-in-wi-fi/p1939769 - although reviews suggest there are audio sync issues :-/
But essentially I need one with 4 HDMI's minimum not curved and 40-43"
I wondered if anyone who owns a sub £1000 4K TV or knows of a decent one could advise me.
I am considering purchasing this one:
http://www.johnlewis.com/samsung-ue...iew-hd-freesat-hd-and-built-in-wi-fi/p1939769 - although reviews suggest there are audio sync issues :-/
But essentially I need one with 4 HDMI's minimum not curved and 40-43"