...Build. Yeah, the third generation hand me down mountain bike i'm using at the minute is pretty rubbish. Was good in it's day, but i'm getting new problems every other day. So i wanted to know if i could build a bike just for getting to school and back.
About it, apart from one thing: CHEAP. The cheaper the better. I'm looking at a few sellers on the bay, but what i want help with is this: Can you give me a complete list of parts that i would need? And what would you recommend part wise? Any brands to stay away from etc.?
Thanks in advance
- Preferably small
- Suspension somewhere along the line, having none plays havok with my... lets not go there.
- Disk brakes if possible
- Don't mind if it's a single speed
About it, apart from one thing: CHEAP. The cheaper the better. I'm looking at a few sellers on the bay, but what i want help with is this: Can you give me a complete list of parts that i would need? And what would you recommend part wise? Any brands to stay away from etc.?
Thanks in advance