Spec me a bike

Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
Haven't been out on my bike since a mad man with a hockey stick attacked me in 2020 sometime (no jokes!).

Looking to get into it again and I also need a new bike. Need is a strong word, but I have the cycle to work scheme and it's a good way to lower my tax liability. As such, I'm looking for suggestions for a new bike from Tredz, up to £2k please? I guess £1600-1800 would be a sweet spot as I'd have £200 for accessories etc.

My current bike is a Whyte Suffolk (2015) so it's more road orientated, I could sell on. I always found the ride incredibly hard on it.
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For something a bit different, that can take up to 53mm tyres (probably a bit slimmer for knobbly off-road tyres)...

Thanks, if I didn't sell my Whyte this would be ideal, just chuck on some other wheels if I'm going across rougher terrains.
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