Spec me a billing app

1 Feb 2006
Guys, looking for some app that will allow me to manage a few hosting subscriptions that I look after for a few people/mates.

I want to be able to enter the account set up date and then specify a renewal date. Also I would like to be notified when accounts need renewed. Would there be anything out there that would do this? I'd like a notification a few days before the event is due to occur. There is no need for automatically renewal or anything like that. Just simply list all my accounts + details and then specify an expiry date. It is simple really but im maybe confusing things

I use Billable to do invoices but this is more like a reminder type app that I am after.

I was thinking I could write a quick web app to do the same thing but would rather run it on the mac rather than an online system.

Any suggestions? Sorry if i haven't explained well here.
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yeah i might just have to write my own script as im not sure that there would be anything that specific that would do it. Using ical isn't really the kind of solution I was after but I guess it could still be a possibility. Probably some kind of reminder management app would do it but i really can't find anything like that!

Edit: just thinking this over again. A simple reminder app would do my job if it can do the following:

-I will enter a future date + give description of task
-Can display all tasks in table form
-Can add custom fields
-Can send email alerts x days before the event date occurs

Any other suggestions guys?
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found something that does the job nicely after all.

Can add all my appointments to recur yearly, can give a 7 day warning and send alerts via email. Very customizable little app.

Its called ImOnTime

Edit: and EVH I guess you could still have done that in iCal quite nicely!
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You can do so much with it - the ability to launch apps and run scripts could come in handy. I have set up a default template which is tailored exactly to what I need. All I have to enter is the renewal date and the details of the reminder and then hit save. 7 days before the event comes up a mail is generated using the template title as the subject and the description details as the body. Very useful indeed
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