OK, it's for a present so you want to get them something they haven't likely had before. That rules out Bombay Sapphire straight away, as well as probably Hendricks. With that in mind, I'd go with one of these 4. The first two are quite commonly available, the latter two are a tad rarer.
Boe, nice and smooth gin. It's like a better Bombay.
Caorunn is also awesome, and pretty unique.
G'Vine, and The Botanist are also worth looking at and are both beautiful.
I haven't tried a lot of the gins in this thread but I will put forward my two personal favourites. My favourite up until now is Blackwood's - lovely gin. Second favourite is Sipsmith which has already been mentioned. I always used to buy Bombay Sapphire but I won't buy it any more if the two I mentioned are available.
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