Spec me a city building game...

24 Mar 2012
Im In Me Mums Car
Or something very similar, which is the best one? Which is the one not plagued by bugs? Which is the best value for money. Etc.

Wow thanks guys, seems like Cities Skylines it is then!

Lately I've been itching to play another city building game, remember playing Sim City 2000 back in the day!

So with that said, cheapest place to get Skylines from?
Hey guys, just an update. Finally got around to buying/playing Cities Skylines and WOW! Loving every minute of it, almost to the point of obsession. I find myself sat at work mulling over how to best design/modify my roads to overcome that 'one of many' problematic congestion spots in my city.

I know, it's very sad!

Still on my 1st city, currently got a population of 65K. Gonna aim to get 100K and then work through the rest of the achievements. I find some of them absolutely stupid, like to unlock certain buildings you have to have a health average of 14%. Its like rewarding you for sucking at the game.
Is there a mod for unlocking ALL map tiles rather than the standard 9? Because right now there is some juicy oil and farmland sitting just outside my boundaries and I'd not discovered the natural resources/districts part of the game until I hit around 70K population and by that time already bought other bits of land.

Currently got a population of 102K, is there a limit you can go to?
There was a mod to unlock something like 41 tiles but it was broken! 25 Tiles is more than enough,

Use the infinite Oil & Ore mod to stop the stuff running out (which it does quite quickly).

Oh thanks, I wasn't aware it ran out tbh! Saved me a headache later on, ta.
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