Spec me a complete rig - <£700

31 Mar 2016
Under 700, Not including monitors or peripherals-


Support for 1 or 2 monitors at 4k - And another 2 or 3 at 2560x -
So 4 monitors total. Will be used for watching video and using relatively light stock trading/poker software.

-As far as gaming will go, just using it for League of legends.

- Quiet cooling system would be nice

Dont Need-

- Lots of storage

- GPU Overkill

Ive done a bit of research and have an idea of what i want but what im not sure about it the whole motherboard/ GPU / CPU relationship. I.E i dont want one of them to throttle another aspect of the build, and therefore be spending an unecessary amount on one of them

I appreciate any replies and suggestions in advance, Thanks.
You're very welcome. One thing to check into is video memory usage for your apps at those resolutions. They sound light enough but not sure if 2GB for 4 or 5 monitors @4K/2K might be a bit short at times, even if not gaming. Some GTX 960 4GB's have 3 x Display ports too if you want to pay a bit more to have that extra buffer (or spec can change to accomodate one for under £700).

Would i need a bigger PSU for the 4GB 960?
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