spec me a distro for asus 1005ha netbook

7 Sep 2008
Hi all,

Please spec me a linux distro for my netbook asus 1005ha.

I was originally thinking backtrack for penetration testing but now I don't see the point. People have suggested either ubuntu or fedora - good idea but I was hoping for a specialised distro orientated for my asus 1005ha

so if you can suggest something please let me know


You mean crunchbang? ;)

#! is very good, I used to use it, but they were a little slow at moving with the dist upgrades so I went regular Ubuntu instead. Not sure how their Debian release is coming.
Aurora - not currently released, but there is an old BETA (eeebuntu).

To be honest, Ubuntu Netbook Remix is probably the best bet now, it works well with the 1005HA, and all niggles (if any) have always been fairly easily sorted. It also depends on how competent you are with Linux. Purists will scoff at Ubuntu.

Personally, on my 1001HA I use Windows XP! It has the best battery life.
Backtrack 4 is based on Ubuntu anyway, so you can apt-get install the tools.
I'd go with Ubuntu :)

yer but I've had some random problems with it
I installed it but it isn't really designed for every day use

plus the mouse works sometimes and other times not
and I was stuck about how to make server x run every time I boot
tbh on a usb drive as a live cd environment would be better imo
okay just loaded up usb key...
first time it didn't work with a initramfs screen that came up

I mean i tried start x but nothing happens..
I'm going to try this again with unetbootin...
yer but I've had some random problems with it
I installed it but it isn't really designed for every day use

plus the mouse works sometimes and other times not
and I was stuck about how to make server x run every time I boot
tbh on a usb drive as a live cd environment would be better imo

Backtrack is not intended to be installed, it's more for a Live environment, but
How to automatically startx / GUI in Backtrack 4.
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