Spec me... a diy project

4 May 2011
So its the weekend before payday and the funds are low, so I've not got anything much to do. For some reason, I have a hankering to build something, but I don't know what. I think I'm looking for that "I made this from scratch" feeling.

I have basic tools - drill, jigsaw, screwdrivers, etc.
I can stretch to £20 max on materials
Don't mind what material I use.

So, if you could make anything (with the above), what would you make?

Oh yeah, I'm getting married in October, so anything wedding related would be good :)
Create a heart shape table onto which you can put a plain white table cloth to put your wedding cake on.
Fiver on a plank of wood for a shelf, 15 quid on beer to drink whilst putting up the shelf. The weekend just rolls out in front of you



With that £20 hire 500 children in India to make you a table to put your wedding cake on. Much better job, can have whatever you fancy.

You made it yourself... With money.
buy a nice block of wood, carve out a stand base that moves in to a love heart, then put your future wife's initials on it, maybe yours as well. Sand it smooth, varnish and give it as a wedding present :D
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