Spec me a fantasy fiction series

12 Jul 2005
Hi guys - recently finished The Wheel of Time series - 14 books!!! - it was quite frankly a complete and utter masterpiece.

Ive read the LOTR novels but now have the hanckering for another multi book series, NOT SCI FI!!!

Elves, Dwarves and all that kind of things are my bag.

Can you guys give me some pointers?

12 Jul 2005
yes ive read loads of Pratchett books but if you have read the Wheel of Time series, you will know what I mean. It was always worth going out and spending the 8.99 on the next book just to keep it going - spectacular those books are.

My wife threw them all out one day after I had finished the last one - apparently as I wouldn't likely be reading them again, there was no point keeping them.

I went for a loooooooong walk that afternoon.
12 Jul 2005
Some recommends from me:

Not a series, but fantastic stand alone sci fi book: Andy Weir - The Martian
Steven Erikson - Malazan series 10 books.
Glen Cook - Black Company. This is like 10 books long :D
Terry Goodkind - Sword of Truth. Also many books long.
Robin Hobb - Assassin + Liveship books.
Stephen King - Dark Tower. So far so good but only a bit of the way into book 2 atm.
Brandon Sanderson - Mistborn Trilogy. Dystopian world where allomancers can ingest metals to give them special abilities. Same guy who finished the last WoT books :)
Joe Abercrombie - First Law trilogy.
Mark Lawrence - Broken Empire trilogy.
Peter .F Hamilton - Night Angel trilogy.
Raymond E.Feist - Enjoyed Riftwar trilogy + Empire trilogy so far.

Also enjoying (but not yet finished being written):

Peter Brett - Painted Man series
Anthony Ryan - Raven's Shadow
Brandon Sanderson - Stormlight archives
George R.R. Martin - Game of Thrones books. They were fantastic reads so far.
Jim Butcher- Dresden Files

thank you that's brilliant!
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