Spec me a film.

21 Feb 2006
Southampton, UK
Howdy chaps.

Just wondering if anyone can spec me some films along the lines of ......the fast and the furious!

Yes i know they are no brainer films, cheesy as hell, but fast cars and loud soundtracks are my thing at the moment.

i've seen all the 3 fast and the furious films and gone in 60 secs, but what else is there, no matter how bad!

gone in 60 seconds has some nice cars in it, plus angelina jolie, not the worst film ever if you like cars i suppose

also "torque" is like a bike version on fast and the furious, thought that was rubbish though :p
Dunno about those sorts of films, but your sig (slothmeister) is breaking the rules on two accounts. It's 5 pixels too high (the maximum allowed being 75) and its file size is above the maximum allowed of 20KB. I'm aware it's a generated sig so it's not entirely under your control but there must be some settings you can change somewhere.

Errm yes films, not really a car one but I totally <3 Face Off. If you haven't seen it now is the time!
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