Spec me a game!

30 Dec 2005
Hi there,

Need a game to play to while away a couple of spare hours here and there (mainly the time between getting my ass out of bed an going out...).

I have LFS S2, so that fufills my racing needs.

I would be interested in a modern combat game - loved Far Cry but am now bored of it, and had BF2 but lost it (but still have the special forces pack, so would consider a re-buy). What's Half-Life like? And Call of Duty?

Also enjoyed playing age of empires many years ago, so if that is still based around the same kind of formula, I'm up for that.

I will be playing singleplayer, not multiplayer on these. PC Spec is up to anything at OK settings.

Anything I've forgotten?

Buy HL2 omg supadupamegapack through steam, let it destroy your Net connection for a few hours and play some of the finest games made :>
Psymonkee said:
Buy HL2 omg supadupamegapack through steam, let it destroy your Net connection for a few hours and play some of the finest games made :>

Half-life 2
CoD 1/2
Quake 4

Few nice shooters

Rome: Total war is a quality RTS if you're into that stuff.
Cobra said:

He is referring to the most expensive pack you can buy for steam that will include, CS, DoD, SiN and all the other games giving you a humongous choice of what you want in one go.

Whoop :)
He doesn't want online games though. CS:S comes with bots but the magic of it is playing online.

How come you don't want to play multiplayers Cobra? Best gaming mate.
sniffy said:
He doesn't want online games though. CS:S comes with bots but the magic of it is playing online.

How come you don't want to play multiplayers Cobra? Best gaming mate.

Because I really cba with the network problems that I always have (due to being wireless), I just want to snap my keyboard every time it goes juddery.

I've heard about Rome: Total War. Does that allow you to "advance" to the modern age, or is it all ancient bows and arrors stuff?

And I remember Quake 2 now, that was ace... Is Quake 4 similar to that but better graphics etc?

FINALLY, out of COD, HL2, CS etc, what is best? I want a game I can pick up and play, single-player based, and a bit of a storyline wouldn't go ammiss.


EDIT: Oh and I played the fear demo and pooed myself. But I don't like "dark" games, like Doom 3 and FEAR, because I tend to sit squinting at the screen, wondering whats going on, and shooting at shadows. It's not really something I can pick up and play, if I just want to shoot stuff for half an hour. If you know what I mean.
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I would say go for Half-Life 2, as at the end of the day, that game probably will last you a lot lot longer than the other games, as there will likely be large amounts of singleplayer mods in the near future.

This package would be best to get in my opinion, it's a little expensive, but you do get a good selection of games:
http://storefront.steampowered.com/v2/index.php?area=package&SubId=80& (~£37).
Cobra said:
Because I really cba with the network problems that I always have (due to being wireless), I just want to snap my keyboard every time it goes juddery.

lol that's fair enough mate.

I've heard about Rome: Total War. Does that allow you to "advance" to the modern age, or is it all ancient bows and arrors stuff?

Nah, you can't. It's a quality game though. It focuses more on the formation on your line and tactics. It isn't a standard RTS like c&c where numbers usually equals a win. I think my best battle was 2000 deaths for the enemy forces and something silly like 50 for me. I've got a screenie somewhere. Quality game, might have to fire it up now actually :D

And I remember Quake 2 now, that was ace... Is Quake 4 similar to that but better graphics etc?
To be fair I haven't actually played it mate. I've seen some videos, heard from mates and seen comments from players and it seems like a good game.

FINALLY, out of COD, HL2, CS etc, what is best? I want a game I can pick up and play, single-player based, and a bit of a storyline wouldn't go ammiss.

Well CS is a multiplayer game. If you play it single player (with bots) it involves absoutely no story-line and it's the same thing round after round. Don't get me wrong, best online FPS ever lol but it's just that, an online FPS. Maybe check out CS: Condition Zero if you want to play CS in single player.
I can't decide which the better game is. All of them are quality, that's why I recommended them (minus quake 4 which I hear is good). HL2 probably has the best storyline if that means anything.
Age of Mythology (+ titans expansion) and Age of Empires 3. Both stick to the same AOE formula, though I do think AOM is a tad bit different and more enjoyable.
titaniumx3 said:
Age of Mythology (+ titans expansion) and Age of Empires 3. Both stick to the same AOE formula, though I do think AOM is a tad bit different and more enjoyable.

Yeah it's quality over a LAN.
sjohal2006 said:
No one said Oblivion yet?

Great game. :)

Hardly a 'Modern Combat' game though ;)

Saying that though, if we're crossing into different genres, I'll have to pimp the usual Knights of the Old Republic :p
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