Spec me a guitar doodle/thingy!

5 Mar 2003
Ok, this is what i need.

1) i want to be able to play my guitar through my computer and its speakers in REAL TIME without any lag

2) i want the 'thingy' to have different effects/amp models

3) It would be nice if i could use it to record and layer tracks aswell although i guess cakewalk would do this for me?

4) I want it to be user friendly and muchos fun :)

Thanks in advance

is riffworks just software? im worried about lag and want to be able to play in real time with the effects. The thing that interested me was toneport and guitar port. Will look into this riffworks though, thanks!
i just did some impulse buying and just bought a toneport ux-1 for £75 + £6 delivery. Hope i did right!
Thanks for the above post :)

I got my toneport yesterday, wow things have come on over the years, its better than i hoped to be honest. Ive got a great sound to practice Siouxsie and the Banshee's 'Spellbound' also ;)

New questions are...

1) Gearbox seems good but is it possible to use amplitube or guitar rig with the toneport?

2) Can you record with toneport or do i need a seperate program to record songs with.

3) Currently ive got my headphones plugged into the front but ideally i would like the sound to come out through my computer speakers. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance

Doosht :D
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