Spec me a Japan!

4 Mar 2006
Ok, that title doesn't actually make much sense.

Basically, I'm looking for traditional Japanese male clothing. Similar to what they may have worn in the feudel time, I believe they were some sort of robes possibly, not entirely sure.

Basically, I'm not completely aware of what they would have worn, and need to acquire a high quality costume.

Thanks :)
Admittidly I had read your post and thought you were being a sarcastic little so and so, but fair enough if you were being genuine about it..

As an unashamed Japanophile I thought I may be able to give better advice if I knew specifically what it was for. Although I'm happy to admit period outfits aren't really my area, so doubt I could help much either way. ;)

Oh, and for assuming I was being sarcastic; You all fail. :p
as per above. more info please?
you could just google for kiminos.

or would a normal keikogi and hakama suffice?
depends on what u wearing it for
Basically I need noble, courtly attire from the time. Preferably in a blue/white colourscheme, but not necessary.

Failing that (possible expenditure), I would be looking at some comfortable garb that could be worn by samurai/shoguns while they're not in their armour.

It's for a perfectly nerdy reason of live roleplay. so needs to be as genuine as possible. :)

Thanks for the current info, should give me enough to go off. If anyone can give me better with this info, feel free to comment :)
Maybe something like a keikogi?



Maybe something like a keikogi?




Hmmm, as I say, I'd rather find some form of courtly attire. I'm aware I may have to fall back on Haori/Hakama etc though if I can't find anything particularly suitable :(
I think this is what you're looking for, dont know where you'll get one though
it seems like its about 10 or so different pieces to make the outfit


bored looking around found this might be useful if you want to try and find the pieces seperate and put one together, its the second one.


or you could just go as


monkey, instant win ;)
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