Hi there i am looking for a laptop as i would like to move on from my old one which was a acer aspire 1672lmi
Runing 3.0ghz/512mb or ram upgraded to 1.5gb of ram, 60gb hard 15.4 inch screendrive,dvdrw lan infra red, usb 2.0 64mb graphics and a 1 hour battery life.
looking for a good laptop that i can also play games on.
2gb ram
120gb hard drive min
dvd rw superdrive
256mb or above graphics
cpu 2.0 or above amd or intel
and a descent battery
screen 15.4 or above
i have seen ones that have dual graphics that would been nice but depends on price, i have seen also something mentioned regarding 256mb graphics with 1gb turbocache (what does this mean)
can you help me find one that fits each bracket please
£200 - £300
£300 - £400
£400 - £500
£600 - £700
£500 - £600
£700 - £800
TOSHIBA G40-10E Laptop
£800 - £900
£900 - £1000
Runing 3.0ghz/512mb or ram upgraded to 1.5gb of ram, 60gb hard 15.4 inch screendrive,dvdrw lan infra red, usb 2.0 64mb graphics and a 1 hour battery life.
looking for a good laptop that i can also play games on.
2gb ram
120gb hard drive min
dvd rw superdrive
256mb or above graphics
cpu 2.0 or above amd or intel
and a descent battery
screen 15.4 or above
i have seen ones that have dual graphics that would been nice but depends on price, i have seen also something mentioned regarding 256mb graphics with 1gb turbocache (what does this mean)
can you help me find one that fits each bracket please
£200 - £300
£300 - £400
£400 - £500
£600 - £700
£500 - £600
£700 - £800
TOSHIBA G40-10E Laptop
£800 - £900
£900 - £1000
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