Spec me a lens... (close-up food and pottery)

7 Jun 2005
North East
Hi Guys,

My Fiancee collects Emma Bridgewater pottery. We have a Canon DSLR. She thrives on taking a variety of photos with said camera but currently our choice of 18-55mm and nifty thrifty 50mm is proving limiting.

Effectively she wants some very up close shots which are pin sharp and with a nice wide aperture for excellent bokeh and poor lighting conditions. I'd also likely use the lens to for photographing my culinary delights! She may stretch to an add-on flash too if this is recommended.

What would you guys suggest? Budget is flexible, though I doubt we would want to go down the expensive L-glass route. I don't know, let's say £200-£400?

I don't have any real experience on this type of photography.
I have live view. The working distance is literally up close and personal. Its photography of her own personal collection. Shes wanting something akin to macro mode on a point and shoot.
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