Spec me a lightweigh GUI to use with Ubuntu server?

1 Dec 2004
Hi all,

I am just in the process of carrying out an install of Ubuntu server for a Newsnab project I am starting for private use only.

However I am a little bit of a linux noob, have used it lightly in the past, but want something with the option of a GUI just incase I need to action something quickly and easily, but I will try and use the commands where possible

I have just tried installing a stripped down install of Ubuntu desktop, however not entirely liking it (looks a lot different than I remember it)

What the best GUI to use for someone like me using Ubuntu server?
Slightly off the bat, but have you considered installing Webmin?
This'll let you do any common tasks in a web-browser, and any other commands etc. can be entered over SSH :)

No need to run a GUI you'll never use then!

Yeah just installed it, it is quite heavy as you mention, running it on a ESXi VM, allocated 1GB ram.

You can tell its struggling straight after intall of KDE, takes a while to refresh between views etc.

Maybe looking at something a bit more lightweight, but have some extra features that Openbox offers (I dont want a lot :p)
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That looks a lot more like it, I will see how things go with lubuntu, if I dont like it I will remove and replace with this.

It's only for some quick access stuff if needed. I am using the terminal most of the time.
Webmin if you're happy to do everything over a browser, lxde otherwise.

SSH can do a lot but isn't for newbs - you'll just get frustrated having to do everything through SSH. Use a WM but try to do things with SSH if you can.

LXDE is very lightweight (lighter than XFCE) but still recognizably a desktop - I found ratpoison was a little too different for me.

Webmin can do almost everything you would want, although I'd learn how to use apt and use that for installing software.
Webmin, you can install it in 4 commands once you have edited the sources.list as per below....

# /etc/apt/sources.list
# deb h ttp://download.webmin.com/download/repository sarge contrib
# deb h ttp://webmin.mirror.somersettechsolutions.co.uk/repository sarge contrib

1) # wget http://www.webmin.com/jcameron-key.asc
2) # sudo apt-key add jcameron-key.asc
3) # sudo apt-get update
4) # sudo apt-get install webmin
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