Spec me a low weight/high rep program

2 May 2011
I don't know if anyone saw/remembers, but I posted a little while ago about hip pain and lower back pain and weightlifting. I've finally received feedback from the doctor and it looks like I've got a herniated disc L4-L5. I'm not really sure of the implications, but my immediate reaction is to stop lifting heavy.

I'm still really at the start of my lifting career, as it were, and no doubt something will be done about my spine, but in the meantime I don't want to give up training as I'm loving it.

Could someone please therefore spec me a program that is good for gaining strength, and I'm guessing with lower weight/high rep instead of high weight/low rep (stronglifts), which is what I've been doing recently.

Hmm I take the point. I'm thinking that heavy weights on my back are going to have a negative affect. The flip side of that is that they could strengthen the muscles surrounding the disc. But I obviously don't want to aggravate it and in the first instance, not putting a big weights on my back seems to make the most sense!

I did have a physio at the hospital, but I just got this new info last night so obviously haven't been able to speak to him and was discharged.
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