The TV ships with Eco picture mode as standard, so no way you want it on that.
Change the picture mode to either isf bright/dark room, or filmmaker mode depending on your room setup (If using filmmaker, I’d recommend OLED light of 50, but it’s down to personal taste I guess.) I have mine on filmmaker these days. Though I’m getting a professional calibration after lockdown.
The settings below are based on the chap I use for calibration for my past OLED sets.
Put Sharpness to 0.
Turn off any image processing such as noise reduction.
Aspect ratio of ‘original’
Just Scan to ‘On’.
Energy Saving to ‘off’.
True motion setting is down to preference, but I turn it off otherwise I see that horrible ‘SOA’ AKA Soap Opera Effect.
That’s pretty typical settings-wise.
OLED Light is actually the TV’s version of brightness.
The brightness setting isn’t actually brightness for some reason. It’s the brightness of only the black level from what I read some time ago.
The settings are saved for each type of content. The above is mainly for standard HD. So if you watch standard HDR content, it will have a preset for that too. I’d recommend Cinema (not Cinema Home) picture mode and for Dolby Vision the same with the sharpness off for each.
Hope that helps!
Otherwise the rtings site suggested is good, though I don’t agree on some aspects they speak of.
Send me a trust if you want my exact out of the box settings. Happy to help