Spec me a nice port

Grahams 30yr old tawny is a lovely port in that price range, although the 20yr old at £30 is a bargain right now.
I have limited means, but a hankering for great Port. I often hover over bottles, but dread spending a lot (for me) only to wish I'd stuck with whatever's on offer in the £10 range. I know I tend to prefer Taylors to Cockburns, and the sweeter and richer the better, but nothing has ever come close to matching my first taste of Port. That was from a bottle which was part of a friend's Christmas bonus 30+ years ago, and I wish I'd made a note of what it was for future reference. All I know is it would not have been cheap, because he was in electronics sales dealing with Big Numbers.

Anyway, I've nothing useful to add, just adding it to my watched list. :)

Ah, they seem to do some samples I could gamble with if Santa gives me some Christmas money!
If you can find it Offleys Boa Vista 1977 I was bought a case. Most beautiful Port I’ve ever drunk. I enjoy Port but I’m not an official connoisseur.

It's Offley good.

I was bought similar also from '77. It's what got me interested in vino in the first place.

For the Op, I'd probably go for Nacional.
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