Spec me a PAYG Sim please

Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
I'm positive a load of you have done this.
I'm already on EE but I want to put a spare SIM in my dual sim phone that perhaps doesn't use the EE network.
All I'm after is a one off payment because I may never use it but it's there if I need to.

Any advice appreciated
Three 123.
They've just mullered that, so I'm shifting to 1p mobile (1, 1, 1). But that's piggy-backing off EE so no help. I've been impressed by EE coverage compared to Three though, especially when I made my one train journey of the year.

Three PAYG may be a viable alternative though if the PAYG credit doesn't expire... not that it'll get much chance to expire at the new rates.
Three 123 sounds great but it still means I will have to spend £30 a year to keep it going when I might not even use it.
I want to pay £10 and it could last a lifetime by making one quick text every 120 days to keep it active.
Just found that you can use unused call credit (from the £10 quarterly payments) to pay for the next quarterly payment. This solves my only issue with 1p... ie I don't use my phone very often.
Three 123 sounds great but it still means I will have to spend £30 a year to keep it going when I might not even use it.
I want to pay £10 and it could last a lifetime by making one quick text every 120 days to keep it active.

3/2/1 has become 10/10/5, but unless the rules have changed, a single text something like every six months keeps the credit alive and minimum topup was just £5.
3/2/1 has become 10/10/5, but unless the rules have changed, a single text something like every six months keeps the credit alive and minimum topup was just £5.

We have 3 of the free 200mb per month data sims on 3 which give 3/2/1 payg on calls, sms and data, our simcards haven't been affected by the price rises as yet, I sent a text earlier and it only cost 2p still.
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