After reading The French Laundry Cookbook I tried out Thomas Keller's method of making mash. It's fantastic. Off the top of my head; boil potatoes in their skins for 30-40 mins until they offer little resistance to a squeeze (don't stab test them, the point of keeping the skins on is to keep water out). Drain. Place back on a low heat to steam dry. Remove skins. Pass through a sieve. Whip a knob of butter in, then a splash of cream, then another kknob of butter. Repeat until a light, fluffy consistency is achieved.
It's basically a potato emulsion. Very light, yet there's really not a lot of butter and cream in there. I find I can pass the potato faster than I can work a river, and I make a lot less mess doing so (maybe that's just me though?). On the other hand, sometimes I prefer a traditional, heavy British mash with a regular potato masher (and yes, it is different. Bigger holes in the masher = different consistency).