Spec me a programmers editor

18 Jan 2006
Right, well I need a new editor :)
Currently using Notepad++, and I'm getting more and more peeved with it. The tab/ window code isn't working well with two monitors and far too many tabs. It also keeps lunching my settings for no discernable reason. Basically, I need these features:
1. Decent multiple tab (30+) and window (4+) handling, across two monitors and session restoration.
2. Custom highlighters support (On of the things I'm working on is stuff for a train-sim, which uses text based files extensively)
3. Regex support.

Payware welcome as well as free :)

editpadpro 30 day trial available. I liked this but not enough to buy it.

programmers notepad, not tried this one.

komodo edit I spend quite a lot of time writing Perl, so I like a lot of the features. But NP++ is light weight and is installed on everything I use (baring the mac) as a notepad replacement so tends to be what I fire up first.

ultra edit trial available. Really liked this but notepad++ does 98% of what I want/need and is free.

eclipse though a full blown IDE it it's heart is a very extensible editor, but you will need to put a lot of time into getting it how you want it (personal experience YMMV).
Must admit to being a little shocked.
Just been playing with the trials of Ultraedit & Editpad Pro-
Neither supports multiple windows with tabs in each nicely. It's ridiculous, all I want to do is drag a tab to create a new window once in a while :eek:
My webbrowser has done this for years, and Notepad++ does it iffily for free.

Komodo Edit is more promising, but bloated as anything :(

If we're talking console editors, I'll usually use nano. Don't much care for vim

In other news, I've found (yet) another annoying as hell bug in Notepad++. For some reason, don't ask me why the User Language dialog scrollbars have gone walkies, so I can't edit my existing highlighters properly in a nice GUI :mad:

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Notepad++ does the tab drag thing fine for me. :confused:

Yes, but it's the details that count :)
Basiclly, these are the problems with the multi-monitor code:
* It will always default to the position and monitor on which a window was last created when closed and re-opened.
* Doesn't handle opening/ restoring multiple windows- Just closes one at a time until none are left. The last to close is always the one restored.
* New files opened will always open in the last active window- Needs a default window/ monitor setting.
* You can't drag a new file into it's own window until you've saved it.

It's also not very happy when you start chucking round huge amounts of stuff either.

Finally, I've no idea why it keeps lunching my configurations, but thats an absolute pain to put right when it does.

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