I'm a webmaster and for the last year have been using my laptop.
But I now want a fast responsive dedicate pc for my webmaster work. I will be getting a nice Dell 2407 lcd when it's out hopefully sometime next week. All I need to compliment that is a near silent, but powerful pc. I don't wanna be hearing loud fans!
So please spec me a near silent small form factor and normal size pc. Processor of chocie is Opteron 165 as i've heard they overclock nicely!
But I now want a fast responsive dedicate pc for my webmaster work. I will be getting a nice Dell 2407 lcd when it's out hopefully sometime next week. All I need to compliment that is a near silent, but powerful pc. I don't wanna be hearing loud fans!
So please spec me a near silent small form factor and normal size pc. Processor of chocie is Opteron 165 as i've heard they overclock nicely!