Spec me a replacement IEM

30 May 2004
Right - I have had my Shure 530's for a long time (~6 years) now and they have a few cosmetic problems so I have decided to replace them.

In terms of usage - exsclusively with my iPhone 6 and a mixture of Apple lossless and Spotify premium content. I don't have a particular interest in carrying around a portable amp as bag space is already at a premium on my commute. I use the triple flanges with the 530's as they offer the best isolation whilst on the train to work.

So what is out there I am happy to spend similar money to the lazy replacement that is the Shure 535's. Cheers.
Hmm will they really compare to the 530s? I know I'm being brand/price snob by saying this but in my experience you get what you pay for.
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