Spec me a rowing machine workout - Fitness/Weightloss

5 Oct 2004
I aquired a rowing machine a month or so ago. Its nothing fancy, just the old piston type resistance and no digitail display.

Ideally I'd like to lose a around a stone over the next 9 weeks. The rowing macine will be the easiest exercise for me to do. I'll be able to use this in the mornings before work and after 7pm when I get home. I'll have eaten dinner by then so would be exercising on a full stomach if done around 7pm.

What routine should I adopt and at what time. Also can you suggest anything I may need to eat/drink to aid my workout and weight loss.

Many thanks,
Using the rowing machine will undoubtedly help you lose some weight but make sure you are eating a good diet otherwise you are making things much harder for yourself to lose that stone. What kind of diet are you eating at the moment?
Clark Nova said:
Using the rowing machine will undoubtedly help you lose some weight but make sure you are eating a good diet otherwise you are making things much harder for yourself to lose that stone. What kind of diet are you eating at the moment?


07:30 - Porridge/Dilute drink
10:00 - 4 Rice cakes with Peanut Butter
13:00 - Subway or Pasta/Chicken salad or Chicken Sandwitch on Brown bread
15:00 - Banana/Apple or grapes
18:30 - Cooked meal, usually chicken or beef with patatoe's and veg
21:00 - Tin of Tuna with Low Fat Mayo

I have around 2 cups of coffee or tea in the morning with milk but no sugar and drink around 1.5 litres of water, some with dilute friut mix.
Orange Peel said:

07:30 - Porridge/Dilute drink
10:00 - 4 Rice cakes with Peanut Butter
13:00 - Subway or Pasta/Chicken salad or Chicken Sandwitch on Brown bread
15:00 - Banana/Apple or grapes
18:30 - Cooked meal, usually chicken or beef with patatoe's and veg
21:00 - Tin of Tuna with Low Fat Mayo

I have around 2 cups of coffee or tea in the morning with milk but no sugar and drink around 1.5 litres of water, some with dilute friut mix.
Your diet is horribly unbalanced in regards to Omega-3 to Omega-6 & 9. Google Omega-3, it's very important to your health and very helpfull in regards to losing bodyfat.

Change the 9pm meal to some oily fish like Mackerel and things will look a lot better ;) or better still keep the 9pm as is and have mackerel at 10am. Peanut butter is absolutely loaded with Omega-6 which is very bad if you aren't eating oily fish or even flaxseed.

If you don't like oily fish or it's inconvenient (mackerel is very smelly!) then seriously think about investing in some fish oils. If possible get it from your diet though.
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Chong Warrior said:
Your diet is horribly unbalanced in regards to Omega-3 to Omega-6 & 9. Google Omega-3, it's very important to your health and very helpfull in regards to losing bodyfat.

Change the 9pm meal to some oily fish like Mackerel and things will look a lot better ;) or better still keep the 9pm as is and have mackerel at 10am. Peanut butter is absolutely loaded with Omega-6 which is very bad if you aren't eating oily fish or even flaxseed.

If you don't like oily fish or it's inconvenient (mackerel is very smelly!) then seriously think about investing in some fish oils. If possible get it from your diet though.

I will add more oily fish. Why is Omega-6 so bad without oily fish?

I've been reading about flaxseed. Could I add the powder to my poridge in the morning?
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