Spec me a SFF system

20 Jul 2005
Been running a laptop and 21" CRT for a while, got a nice 32" telly over Christmas but the laptop doesnt support that resolution, so hoping to build up a HTPC kinda thing.

Never built one before, so hoping for a bit of advice.

My main priorities are cost, and quietness.

Thinking of getting a sff case, and then fairly cheap components, I already have a hard disk thats spare, but no other parts.

Can you list a spec? My main worries are what GFX cards and CPU coolers will fit, as ideally id like them totally silent, so no expensive m/boards with whiny fans please! :p

Max budget: I'd say no more than £300 ideally, a few quid over wont make any difference here or there though.

Games: Not an issue really, I have my proper gaming rig (OK getting antiquated now with S939 dual core X2) so whatever something like an ATi 2400HD plays will suffice.

Size - not fussed, would probably prefer a vertical shape rather than a thin, flat type - but shuttle style size would probs be alright as I have a spot it would fit in.

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